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Perfect Gym api
Deprecated - API v1 will be switched off on 01.07.2022. Please upgrade to API v2


This API allows user to pay contract fees using online payment systems.

Execute online payment alt text

GET Payments/Pay

Returns online payment URL and transaction identifier.


Name Type Description
userId long Required. User identifier.
amount long Required. Amount to be paid. After successful payment amount is automaticly distributet to satisfy earliest pending fees first. The parameter is divided by 100 eg. 1250 will be converted to 12.50
redirectUrl string URL with query paymentId parameter attached. Online payment system will redirect to a given url after transaction is completed.


Payment details including payment URL user should be redirected to, to proceed with a payment.

Example request

In this example we request payment URL, user can execute payment with.

curl -i 
     -X GET 
     -H "Authorization: Bearer  $ACCESS_TOKEN"

Example response

Status: 200 OK
  "elements": [
      "paymentUrl": "",
      "paymentId": "PGAPI_a12b55c5-d526-4e4e-ae9c"

Change user prepaid account value alt text

POST Payments/Prepaid

Use to add funds to user's prepaid account

Body parameters

Name Type Description
userId long Required. User identifier.
totalAmount decimal Required. Amount to add or withdraw (negative value of amount).
clubId decimal Identity of club where payment is made.
paymentMethod string Method of payment: Cash, Card, Online, MoneyTransfer.
prepaidSource string Max length 36. Identity/code/name of machine or device where payment is made.
operationDescription string Max length 195. Description of the operation, the reaso of the operation.


Prepaid Status

Example request

In this example we request to increase prepaid balance id = 236.

curl -i 
     -X GET 
     -H "Authorization: Bearer  $ACCESS_TOKEN"  
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -d '{
            "userId": 236,          
            "totalAmount": 32.8,
            "clubId": 15,
            "paymentMethod": "Cash",
            "prepaidSource": "Machine-A01",
            "operationDescription": "Add money by Cash disposal machine"

Example response

Status: 200 OK
  "elements": [
      "operationType": "CashLessPrepaid",
      "billNumber": "123",
      "customerBalance": "200",
      "operationDate": "2016-06-02T14:35:22"

Calculate prepaid bonus value alt text

GET Payments/Prepaid/Bonus

Use to check prepaid bonus


Name Type Description
amount decimal Required. Amount to calculate.
source string The source from which the bonus should come: MembershipPortal, Internet, Web, Api.


Prepaid Bonus

Example request

In this example we request to check prepaid bonus for amount '200'.

curl -i 
     -X GET 
     -H "Authorization: Bearer  $ACCESS_TOKEN"

Example response

Status: 200 OK
  "elements": [
      "amount": "200",
      "bonusAmount": "2",
      "totalAmount": "202"

Execute payment with credit card alt text

POST Payments/PayWithCreditCard

Request executes payment with user credit card. Credit card details must be assigned using CreditCard request.

Body parameters

Name Type Description
userId long Required. User identifier.
feeIds array Required. An array of long values, each representing fee identifier to be paid.
totalAmount decimal Required. Total amount to be paid (must be equal to sum of all fees).


Payment status if operation is successful, or collection of errors with credit card payment error codes otherwise.

Example request

In this example we request payment of pending contract fees for user identified with id = 236.

curl -i 
     -X GET 
     -H "Authorization: Bearer  $ACCESS_TOKEN"  
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -d '{
            "userId": 236,
            "feeIds": [3889, 3890, 3891],
            "totalAmount": 32.8

Example response

Status: 200 OK
  "elements": [
      "status": "Success",
      "errorMessage": ""

Example error response

Total amount is not equal to sum of all fees to be paid.

Status: 400 Bad Request
  "errors": [
      "code": "InvalidTotalAmount",
      "property": "",
      "message": ""

Execute manual payment alt text

POST Payments/ManualContractPayment

Request executes manual payment for user.

Header parameters

Name Type Description
userId long Required. User identifier.

Body parameters

Name Type Description
paidAmount decimal Required. Total amount paid.
description string Transaction description.
contractTransactionType string Required. Transaction type.
Possible values:
  • Prorata
  • AdminFee
  • JoiningFee
  • Membership
  • Prepaid
  • Manual

Example request

In this example we request manual payment of pending contract for user identified with id = 236.

curl -i 
     -X GET 
     -H "Authorization: Bearer  $ACCESS_TOKEN"  
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -d '{
            "paidAmount": 100,
            "description": "Transaction description",
            "contractTransactionType": "Manual"

Example response

Status: 200 OK
  "elements": [
      "status": "Success",
      "errorMessage": "",
      "transactionId": 32228336
Perfect Gym api