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Perfect Gym api
Deprecated - API v1 will be switched off on 01.07.2022. Please upgrade to API v2

Class booking error codes

Code Type Description
ClassAlreadyBooked string Class is already booked by the user.
BookingRejected string Booking is rejected.
BookingBlockedForUser string Booking is blocked for user. Booking can be blocked if user signed up for class and didn't show up.
BookingInZoneNotAllowed string User membership does not allow to book classes in a specific club zone.
BookingWithDebitNotAllowed string User has debit.
BookingWithoutActiveContractNotAllowed string User does not have an active membership.
BookingNotAllowed string Booking for selected classes is not allowed.
BookingToLate string It is too late to book selected class.
BookingToSoon string It is to early to book selected class.
DailyBookingLimitReached string Daily club booking limit has beed exceeded.
DailyZoneBookingLimitReached string Daily club zone booking limit has been exceeded.
UserNotAllowedToAccessClub string User membership does not allow to access club during selected class.
StandbyListLimitReached string Standby list limit has beed exceeded.
InvalidClub string Parameter describe by ClubId is invalid or has not occurred in the request.
InvalidUser string Parameter describe by UserId is invalid or has not occurred in the request.
InvalidEmployee string Parameter describe by EmployeeId is invalid or has not occurred in the request.
StartDateIsToLow string Parameter describe by StartDate is invalid or has not occurred in the request.
StartDateGtThenEndDate string Parameter describe by EndDate is invalid.
Perfect Gym api