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Perfect Gym api
Deprecated - API v1 will be switched off on 01.07.2022. Please upgrade to API v2

Product purchase

Buy product alt text

POST Products/Product/Buy

Use to buy product

Body parameters

Name Type Description
userId long Required. User identifier.
productId long Required. Product identifier.
quantity long Required. Product quantity.
paymentMethod string Payment method - 'Prepaid' (default), 'Debit', 'Credit'.



Example request

In this example we request to buy product with productId = 2 for user identified with id = 236.

curl -i 
     -X POST 
     -H "Authorization: Bearer  $ACCESS_TOKEN"  
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -d '{
            "userId": 236,          
            "productId": 2,
            "quantity": 1


Example response

Status: 200 OK
  "elements": [
      "operationType": "CashLessPrepaid",
      "billNumber": "123",
      "customerBalance": "200",
      "operationDate": "2016-06-02T14:35:22"

Execute online payment for product alt text

POST Products/Product/BuyOnline

Returns online payment URL and transaction identifier.


Name Type Description
productId long Required. Product identifier.
quantity long Required. Product quantity.
redirectUrl string URL with query paymentId parameter attached. Online payment system will redirect to a given url after transaction is completed.


Payment details including payment URL user should be redirected to, to proceed with a payment.

Example request

In this example we request payment URL, user can execute payment to buy product with productId = 2.

curl -i 
     -X POST 
     -H "Authorization: Bearer  $ACCESS_TOKEN"  
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -d '{          
            "productId": 2,
            "quantity": 1

Example response

Status: 200 OK
  "elements": [
      "paymentUrl": "",
      "paymentId": "PGAPI_a12b55c5-d526-4e4e-ae9c"
Perfect Gym api