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Perfect Gym api
Deprecated - API v1 will be switched off on 01.07.2022. Please upgrade to API v2

Error codes

Code Type Description
StartDateIsRequired string StartDate is invalid or has not occurred in the request.
SignDateIsRequired string SignDate is invalid or has not occurred in the request.
EndDateIsRequired string EndDate is invalid or has not occurred in the request.
InvalidPropertyId string Object identifier describe by 'property' does not exist.
InvalidPropertyValue string Object identifier describe by 'property' has incorrect value.
UserHasNoCardAssigned string User does not have any card assigned.
CanNotBlockCard string Can't block card of someone else.
EmailTemplateNotDefined string Email template is not defined.
UnableToSendEmail string Unable to send email to reset password.
InvalidToken string Request Token is invalid.
Perfect Gym api